Do Not Get REKT

Never Be Liquidated Again

Outcome Trading is Better than Futures Trading. Use our simple graphical user interface to draw and execute your own, safe, but powerful derivatives outcomes that cannot be liquidated.

What is Outcome Trading
Creates an entirely new approach to derivatives trading, making it so simple anyone
can do it, safe from liquidation, and where risk is always known.
Derivatives trading so simple anyone can do it
Visual trading system that is as easy to use as a toy
Exact risk always
known and fixed
As the system is visual, any user will understand the most they can lose and in what situation. No surprises
Market making is
When a user adds to the liquidity pool, he/she can be a market maker and earn the bid-ask spread without knowing anything about trading
No Liquidations
Liquidation is a constant risk in some forms of derivatives. Trading without the risk of liquidation means speculation can be performed safely. It also means asset owners can hedge against negative price moves without either losing their hedge to liquidation and without ever having to add collateral to maintain the hedge

The founders originally met at the first Ethereum meetups. Over the years we we’ve been disappointed to watch multiple projects simply re-create existing business models but on blockchain. Those products all come with the same flaws as the conventional system.

Re-engineering derivatives trading with blockchain for accounting and custody of collateral, automated market makers for pricing and execution, and innovative user interfaces allowed us to build something truly new.

Ultimately, we envision a future where individuals living anywhere, with any level of access to the financial system and any level of financial education can:

Bet on or hedge the price of almost anything
Build a market to trade derivatives on any price
Generate returns by providing liquidity

The main impediments to successful trading for the end user are lack of knowledge, lack of proper risk control, muddled thinking caused by fear, and being gamed by those with superior technology. We wanted to remove all these factors. We’ve embedded expertise in the tool, so the user can design the outcome he wants without worrying about which instruments will be traded.

Outcome Trading delivers this. We’ve built risk control into the tool, as all trades are bounded. We’ve removed the element of fear, as you know exactly what risk you are taking. Finally, we’ve secured the user against manipulative trades. No one can hunt down your stop loss or drive the market just to your liquidation level. Your risk is always limited and there can be no liquidation.


Visionary team with combined 60+ years experience in derivatives and start ups

Peter Harrigan
Derivatives trader with 20+ years of experience at Bank of America, the CME and PCX. Co-founder of Investor, Ethereum pre-sale
Derivatives trader with 20+ years of experience at Bank of America, the CME and PCX. Co-founder of Investor, Ethereum pre-sale
Steven Hertzberg
Aerospace engineer who started his career at the U.S. Department of Defense designing cutting-edge human- machine interfaces. 30 years of start-up experience
Aerospace engineer who started his career at the U.S. Department of Defense designing cutting-edge human- machine interfaces. 30 years of start-up experience
Eric Enair
Co-founder, Full Stack Developer
Blockchain Developers
NJ Singh
Smart Contract Developer
Michael Cavanaugh
Quarter 0
• Goal: Completion of core
codebase (pre external funding)
Quarter 1
  • • Completion of DeFi protocol - core codebase;
  • • Smart contract mgmt of collateral on initial chain;
  • • Wallet integration
  • • Goal: end-to-end testing and smart contract audit complete)
Quarter 2-3
  • • Beta testing and bug fix of DeFi protocol and protocol introduction via user contests;
  • • Limited rollout of stablecoin collateralized protocol outside USA;
  • • Goal: securing KOL in Asia/Europe/ME
Quarter 4-5
• Public rollout of DeFI protocol outside USA
Quarter 6+
• Growing non-US crypto users
What is an Outcome?
How Does a User Exit/Close a Position/Outcome?
No Margin Calls or Liquidations?
Who Takes the Other Side of my Trade?
How do I Know what my Payout will be at Maturity?
What about Profit or Loss before Maturity?
Does the AMM Provide a Fair Price at Trade Exit?
For More FAQ